Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My 1st Blog

Well... This is my very 1st time ever to "blog" so it may not be very exciting but I promise to get better at it!! I have been meaning to start a blog since Michael and I got married to update our families, but as you all know.. we have been busy! ha We had a beautiful ceremony on October 11, 2008 at the home of my grandparents, Bo and Shirley Phillips and then honeymooned in Pigeon Forge. We enjoyed a quiet few first months of marriage and then got a wonderful surprise on February 21, 2009... I was expecting a BABY!!!! So, the next few months were filled w. nervousness, excitement, morning sickness.. you name it and that was just Michael! ha Our baby was not due until October 29, 2009..but she decided to grace of with her presence on September 15, 2009 and life has FOREVER changed!!!!
Hallie Kate Brand is by far the most beautifully precious gift from God that we could ever get!! She is such a joy to us and has taught us truly what life is alllll about. We cant imagine life without her and dont remember what we ever did without her. I stayed home w. her the 1st 8 months of her life and I can tell you, they were the best 8 months of mine! We had a blast!
I recently got offered a job and decided with the economy and everything I better take a job while i can get it, so I went back to work 2 weeks ago and HK started at daycare. She has really adjusted well and loves the other babies and ladies that care of her and I am enjoying work. I think it was a good decision for us both. I am off on Fridays..so I get to spend allll day with her and the weekend, plus I am off by 3 everyday to run errands and then pick her up and go home and play! :)
I am going to start posting pictures and blogging more often to update everyone on how Hallie Kate is doing and try to keep this as another "baby book" type thing to show her one day! I hope you enjoyed reading my first blog and I will sooon be back!! :)