Monday, November 22, 2010

Take a Moment...

I have recently started actually "blogging" and keeping up with my friends blogs,etc and upon this "journey" I came upon a lady's blog about her unborn child who she found out was sick with a disease called Trisomy 18. I read her blogs up to date, researched the disease, and also joined her Caringbridge webpage so that I could keep up with baby and send prayers to her and their family. I had never heard of the disease but after finding out more about it, I was just pure sick on my stomach. As a mother, I can't imagine my child being sick with anything that I can't fix or not being able take her to the doctor, get some medicine and be over it in a few days.. much less something so life-threatening. Basically, this disease is so horrible that most babies that have it have to be born early because they cant even take the stress of childbirth and sometimes they are born stillborn..if they do survive, their days are immediately numbered!! Can you even imagine knowing that the precious baby you have grown to love will be taken from you at any given moment??!! Not to mention the struggles to deliver that baby, the health problems they go through when they are alive and then you fullknowingly have to prepare to let this baby go at any given time... it is just plain horrific! I cried and cried over hearing this woman's story and I promise you, I have held my baby girl just a little tighter since I found out about it. This morning upon arriving to work and checking my emails,etc.. I decided to check in on the baby and see how she was doing... and to find out after only 36 days here on this Earth... she passed away!!!! I truly can't even wrap my mind around it and yet on their blog and website all this family could do was praise God for 36 days with their baby and how wonderful those days were!!!!!! I have been so truly touched and amazed by this family's story and decided to share it with my fellow bloggers.. I think we could all use a little reminding sometimes of how blessed we are that God does not give us what we deserve and that we have our precious, healthy babies with us still!!!!! If you would like to read their story or leave prayers you can go to : And I also would like to take this moment to ask that prayers be with my cousin and his family.. he was severely wounded in Afghanistan and we are unsure of his condition as of now! Thanks and Bless You All!

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